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Yield Boosting and Initial TVL Generating NFT Campaign

Dirac Finance provides its community and users with DeFi-oriented NFT collection to bootstrap the protocol's initial TVL and define a whitelist of early mainnet users.

NFT owners will have the opportunity to become the first Dirac Finance users; they will be granted $DIRAC tokens, their yield will be boosted and they will get many other advantages.

On this page you will find all the details about Paul Dirac Genesis DeFi NFT collection, as well as the process of minting the NFTs.

For more details please read this dedicated Medium article.

Paul Dirac Genesis NFTs are designed with DeFi in mind, for the benefit of the protocol, our community and our deployment blockchains.

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20% of NFT sales will be automatically injected via smart contracts as initial liquidity into the first mainnet vaults

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Liquidity Providers

Each NFT gives its owner the privilege of being among the first LPs to benefit from Dirac Finance structured products strategies.

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NFTs boost the yield of LPs by up to 100%, and add extra yield. See details below

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Airdrop points

NFTs will enable their owners to maximize the $DIRAC they will receive by boosting Airdrop points.

Three NFTs have been created to give our community the opportunity to be among the first mainnet users and benefit from many advantages



    - $100 worth of $DIRAC

    - Discount on Private sale (5%) (10 000 USDC max)

    - Boost the rewards from 85% to 90% (up to 1 million dollar)

    - Boost your Airdrop points ($DIRAC)

    - Early access to CRLI strategy vault (First vault of Dirac Finance)

    - Exclusive access to the new vaults and trading strategies of Dirac Finance

0 % minted0 / 200




If you have a question feel free to contact us

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